Will Ferrell Taught Eli Manning How To Yell His Legendary ‘Ma, Meatloaf!’ Line

Will Ferrell dropped by the ManningCast for “Monday Night Football” and Peyton said he little bro Eli wanted to do an impersonation for him from the movie “Wedding Crashers” This “MA, MEATLOAF!” line has become a well-used GIF over the years and Eli Manning has yelled it before during previous ManningCasts, which he does from the basement of his house. 

Ferrell some fun with the Mannings and took some time to teach Eli Manning the best way to yell his famous lines from the great comedy movie Wedding Crashers.  And this is why we love Will Ferrell! Check it out here: Will Ferrell Taught Eli Manning How to Yell His Legendary ‘Ma, Meatloaf!’ Line (msn.com)